ST~ Jon Hayward RCAT Ross Tasker

Hello all and welcome to "Panels". As you may not know panels is what we call a webcomic (better start off slow) i.e a comic placed online and updated several times a week, one piece at a time. This particular comic is on a random update schedule since Ross and Myself believe that life comes before webcomics (what little we have left) and well, while we will endevour to get three to four comics out a week. sometimes that isn't possible ^_^;

So what IS panels? Well the idea of panels came up when I (ST~) was reading about Scott McClouds Infinate Comics, well ALL his work, we have webcomics but do we ever truely restrict ourselves? or are we too restrictive? So I wondered, would it be possible to get a sequential comic with two people doing a panel each, kinda like a comic jam or a round robin, but with only two people surely some kinda of creative middle would be found. So after recently having met Rcat (online) and knowing that he had a webcomic of his own. I decided to ask him to join in on this experiment.

We debated, cajoled and all kinds of stuff, then we came upon the best stragety, we would "Make it up as we went"! and with that we placed a couple of restrictions
  • a) Each Panel will be 400px by 400px
  • b) If one cartoonist decides to randomly change the size of ONE panel, the other is set the same restriction. i,e if Ross does a 800x800 comic, I have to submit to the same size for mine. And that this will not be done that often, only in times of dire need.
  • c) There shall only be TWO cartoonists at any one time
  • d) There shall be NO collusion on plots or story.

and that's the basis of panels. We're just taking it all one strip at a time and I hope you all enjoy!

ST~ out